For those who look for the colour of faith
In the corpses of children who are dead of brutal rape..
Look at the face of your lil' girl and see her smile
And let it sink in for a while,
Did you find any colour in there..
of 'the faith' you hold so dear??
Their faith is your love
Their belief is in you
They know only to trust
N' weep when they are away from you.
A child is born to a man
But belongs to all
They are the lilttle treasures
every nation dearly beholds.
Please do not justify one death with other
But, cry aloud and together..
Repend our actions
Coz' we have failed them all!
Please do not discriminate
Children of any kind
Its our duty to bring them justice
Of the same kind
For, the act was same
The crime was same
The pain was same
The misery was same
Let no politics interfere
Let no colour of faith interfere
Let the trial be fair,
To serve justice to the victims of an act so unfair!